MRNA Vaccines to Be Tested on Australian Livestock

An influential Australian organization that works closely with the Australian government announced on May 2 that it is funding a project to test mrna vaccines on Australian livestock.

Meat and Livestock Australia (mla) is planning to “test mrna vaccines that can be rapidly mass-produced in Australia in the event of a lumpy skin disease … or other exotic disease outbreak.”

mla is interested in using mrna vaccines because they have a “very short timeline compared to traditional vaccine development.”

The new vaccine is “now being tested for efficacy in animals. By the end of this year, we will know if this vaccine will work in ruminants.”

Died suddenly: Pharmaceutical companies prefer selling mrna vaccines because they are quick to produce. Governments can buy large numbers of these vaccines and have them shipped on short notice. But this doesn’t mean they are safe and effective for humans or livestock.

Recent data provides a clearer picture of the long-term effects of these vaccines. One study showed that heart attacks have increased 14 percent over all age groups since covid-19 began. Heart attacks in young people have increased by almost 30 percent. Reports of young athletes collapsing from heart issues while playing sports are more common. There is also evidence that the vaccine may be linked to a recent spike in miscarriages.

If similar side effects occur in livestock, we will see more health issues such as an increase in the number of calving problems. Chemicals from the vaccine could linger in milk and meat. It would be detrimental to farming businesses, the national economy and individual health.

Learn more: Read “Gotten Your Jab Yet?,” by Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry.