The Key of David
澳洲幸运8手机版开奖官网直播, War Leaders—Physically and Spiritually
Winston Churchill was a warrior. God’s people must follow his example to become spiritual warriors. Discover how to become a valiant warrior for God.
Print Edition • September 2023
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The Trumpet explains the real meaning behind world events. We are a news organization that connects world events with biblical prophecies. We use the Bible to explain world news and trends, to forecast the future, and to clearly show that God has a plan for mankind. We believe examining world events through the Bible is the only way we can truly understand our world.
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The Trumpet has a long history of accurate forecasting. Our model can be traced back to 1934, and the creation of the Plain Truth magazine by Herbert W. Armstrong. Between 1934 and 1986, Mr. Armstrong explained world news and delivered multiple prophecies, many of which have been or are currently being fulfilled. The Trumpet today carries the mantle of Mr. Armstrong and the Plain Truth .
The Key of David
War Leaders—Physically and Spiritually
Winston Churchill was a warrior. God’s people must follow his example to become spiritual warriors. Discover how to become a valiant warrior for God.
A briefing in your inbox, every weekday.
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Typical News organization
The Trumpet explains the real meaning behind world events. We are a news organization that connects world events with biblical prophecies. We use the Bible to explain world news and trends, to forecast the future, and to clearly show that God has a plan for mankind. We believe examining world events through the Bible is the only way we can truly understand our world.
Learn More
The Trumpet has a long history of accurate forecasting. Our model can be traced back to 1934, and the creation of the Plain Truth magazine by Herbert W. Armstrong. Between 1934 and 1986, Mr. Armstrong explained world news and delivered multiple prophecies, many of which have been or are currently being fulfilled. The Trumpet today carries the mantle of Mr. Armstrong and the Plain Truth .
Print Edition • September 2023
We’ll send you 10 issues a year—absolutely FREE .
A briefing in your inbox, every weekday.
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